Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

RSD(S)-CRPS Advisory
Clinical Trial: Medicinal Cannabis- RSD/CRPS Completed
Medicinal Cannabis for RSD/CRPS
by Twinkle VanFleet

In November of 2003, UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento California began a clinical
trial for Medicinal Marijuana use for Neuropathic pain associated with Complex Regional Pain
Syndrome (CRPS) type 1 and 2. Having been diagnosed with RSD/CRPS type 2 (Causalgia)
the same year, I was very eager to participate in the study. The best part was that UCD
Medical Center is located just 15 minutes down the street from us. Due to certain
circumstances I was not able to participate.

For information about this study please refer to . processed this record January 5, 2009. (Today) Identifier: NCT00254761

What is interesting is that while cannabis for the casual user is technically illegal, mandatory
eligibility requirements constituted having previous marijuana experience. You could not be
marijuana naive and participate.

While I've never been a big Ganja user, I conducted my own study since I couldn't
participate in the Clinical Trial.

While I'm almost certain most participants would claim it decreased their pain significantly
whether it did or not simply because when severely pain stricken we become so desperate
that we'll do almost anything to survive the moment. With a prescription from our pain
manager we can buy, grow (up to 12 plants) and use it legally for pain.

My own personal study concluded with this:

It did not help beyond an approximate 20 minutes for pain itself. I would presume it was
because during that 20 minutes I was high. My mind was sidetracked. This is not a bad thing.
20 minutes without pain or even "thinking" you aren't in pain can seem a lifetime when the
alternative is praying to die.

When I finished smoking no more than a quarter of a joint, equivalent to 2-3 short to
moderate inhales, my legs rushed with warmth, this is also a good thing, it means the damage
from the nerves in my legs was responding, but when the pain began increasing again and at
it's peak it seemed tri-fold from where it started.

It also heightened my hyper-sexuality. Yet another good thing. However, when the feeling of
triple terror overwhelmed me when the pain returned, I was again back to being afraid to be
touched as my flesh has become so sensitive over the last couple of years that a brush of
passion, a touch of love, feels like being cut with razors instead.

Those with CRPS type 1 previously known as RSD may have better luck. CRPS type 1 means
no known nerve injury or damage. Type 2 means with known nerve injury and damage.
CRPS type 2 was previously known as Causalgia. RSD became a universal term to mean

I do not condone the illegal use of street drugs, I am not advocating for people to buy, sell
or distribute. I do believe in a need for a medicinal cannabis personal use law beyond the
one we have in place now. A universal law approved and acceptable in all states for those
who suffer from chronic pain.

I am interested in knowing how cannabis has helped those with CRPS type 2.

Is it really worth it? And is it worth it enough?

For myself, perhaps.

© 2009 Twinkle VanFleet/CRPS Advisory. All Rights Reserved.
© 2005-2009 Twinkle VanFleet,, RSDAdvisory and
All rights reserved on all personal content including but not limited to- original graphics, essays and articles.
May be used by permission and credit to source. Please let me know where you use them at.
All other content published in this site remains the property and copyright of the owner's that they belong
to. We take no credit for the articles,, but are pleased to be allowed to use them. We thank you!
We have all been united by a single
common denominator and that is...

First Medical (Marijuana) Necessity Defense Trial

An actual court defense trial